Bagshawe Cavern, Bradwell, Derbyshire - a great streamway trip in the Peak
28 February 2008
An extensive and active stream cave with many fine formations, entered via the mined entrance tunnel of Mulespinner Mine.
Operated as a showcave in the latter half of the twentieth century, it is now open to suitably insured, competent bona fide
cavers. The Eldon Pothole Club
are involved in exploring and maintaing this fascinating system, which continues to yield new passage.
Weather conditions:
How to find it:
The cave is located East of Bradwell village, up on the hillside down a small lane leading to Bradwell Dale, and is marked on many maps.
Access is now controlled by custodian Amanda Revell. Please apply to her for permission to visit at amandarevell[at], giving reasonable notice.
A small charge is made for access.
Kit required:
Varies according to route undertaken: the popular Dungeon pitch can be easily be descended using a 5m ladder, plus lifeline.
A flight of artificial steps leads through a mined tunel (Mulespinner Mine) into the main caverns. The evening trip we undertook on 28 February
was specifically to look at some of the mining archaeology - pick marks, stemple sockets, possible firesetting etc - after looking at this
we followed the popular route through to the Hippodrome and Glory Hole. Some of us also descended the Dungeon to enjoy a sporting wade through
some well-decorated sections before realising that it was getting fairly late and making a swift exit to get to the local pub for last orders.